Unallocated -room - credits Standard

Friday Creek Retreat

4.5 stars
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Standard rates for this room

  1. Schritt 1 Wählen Sie die Anzahl der Zimmer und Aufenthaltstage aus - überrüfen Sie die Verfügbarkeit im unten angezeigten Raster

    ["Es gibt nicht genügend freie Zimmer für die ausgewählte Zeitspanne."]
    Verfügbarkeit überprüfen
    Zimmer Auswahl Standardrate Sa 28 Sep 2024 So 29 Sep 2024 Mo 30 Sep 2024 Di 01 Okt 2024 Mi 02 Okt 2024 Do 03 Okt 2024 Fr 04 Okt 2024 Sa 05 Okt 2024 So 06 Okt 2024 Mo 07 Okt 2024 Di 08 Okt 2024 Mi 09 Okt 2024 Do 10 Okt 2024 Fr 11 Okt 2024
    Unallocated -room - credits Standard 260 $ Verkauft Verkauft Verkauft Verkauft Verkauft Verkauft Verkauft Verkauft Verkauft Verkauft Verkauft Verkauft Verkauft Verkauft
    Bewegen Sie die Maus über den Preis für Angaben zu Inklusivleistungen, Belegung und Mindestaufenthalt
  2. Schritt 2 Wählen Sie die Anzahl der Personen für Zimmer und optionale Zusatzleistungen Die Preise sind in AUD

    (Kinder unter 15 Jahr(en), Kinder unter 2 Jahr(en))
    Datum Tägliche Inklusivleistungen Rate von Zimmer Zusätzlicher Erwachsener Zusätzliches Kind Zusätzliches Kleinkind Gesamt
    1. Zimmer 1:
    Sa 28 Sep 260 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 260 $


    Zimmer Gebühren 260 $
    Zusatzleistungen gesamt 0 $
    Gesamtsumme 260 $
    GST 10 % Inbegriffen
    Hinweis: Kleinkinder sind in der Maximalbelegung oder den Zusatzleistungen pro Person nicht inbegriffen
  1. Schritt 3 Angaben zum Gast sowie Zahlungsinformationen eingeben. Bitte geben Sie die erforderlichen Angaben ein

    Details zu den Zusatzleistungen
    1. Bei Ankunft außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten, wenden Sie sich bitte an die Unterkunft

    2. Bitte angeben

      1. Visa
      2. Mastercard
    1. z.B. 1234567890123456

    Durch Auswahl von „Jetzt buchen“ ermächtige ich Friday Creek Retreat Anweisungen an das Finanzinstitut zu senden, das meine Karte ausgestellt hat, um gemäß den Bedingungen meiner Vereinbarung mit Friday Creek Retreat Zahlungen von meiner Karte einzuziehen.

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen


Upon check out, your cottage must be left in a clean and tidy state, with your dishes washed, dried and returned to cupboards. Our tariffs do not include washing guests dishes, and extra cleaning charges will apply if left in an unreasonable condition and with unwashed dishes.
Our white linen must not be used for any cleaning purposes, which includes removal of make-up. Spray tans and sunscreens cause permanent damage, so please do not use our white linen to remove these items. Special face washers are provided for your convenience to remove these products. Sheets and pillowcases are also permanently stained by spray tans and sunscreen, so please contact us if you need further information about this, so as to avoid a fee for permanently damaged linen.

Open Fires
Are available for use STRICTLY between 1st May and 30th September . Fires may be cancelled if local conditions create risk .

All of our cottages are smoke free, but you are permitted to smoke on the veranda and garden areas with the ashtrays provided on the veranda. However, please do not empty ashtrays into the kitchen rubbish bins, please use the outside bins located on the side of your cottage.
If you are travelling with a pet, please remember that all pets must have prior management approval prior to arrival and a a small fee is charged . Dogs under 1 year of age must be advised to management. Dogs are permitted in cottages, but not on any furniture. A pet policy is to be signed on arrival, and the owner must take full responsibility for any damage, excess dog hair or soiling created by their pet. It is a requirement that all pets are kept on leash when outside and are never to be left alone in the cottage or anywhere else on the property. We can provide details of local pet sitting services if required.


A 50% deposit is payable 14 days prior to arrival, and the balance finalised the day before check-in.
During peak seasons, group bookings of 10 or more people and major sporting events, deposit will be required 30 days prior to arrival. Full payment required two weeks beforehand .

All prices are quoted in $AUD and are inclusive of GST (10%). Rates as quoted are subject to availability. Payment for all charges incurred by guests may be made using a Credit Card - Mastercard and Visa only, Debit card/Eftpos (except Amex and Diners), cash or direct deposit. Credit card payments attract a 1% surcharge . Please note that if payment is made by Eftpos/cash/direct deposit, a valid current credit card number must be supplied on check in to cover any incidentals or damage.
If guests provide card details for payments which subsequently decline the guest will be required to arrange payment via direct deposit to hold the booking

Direct Deposit Bank Account details:
BSB 082551
A/C 571790026


A 50% cancellation policy applies to all bookings cancelled or postponed within 14 days of arrival and 30 days prior to arrival for peak seasons, group bookings and major sporting events.

A 100% cancellation policy applies if booking is cancelled within 24 hours of arrival. For major bookings and peak season the booking is non refundable if booking is cancelled within two weeks .

We will make all attempts to re-let cancelled cabins. If cottage is re-let for the booking period, then a refund may be processed less a $100 administration fee.

Covid, health or other unexpected events cancellations or postponements . Normal cancellation policies apply in order to ensure the viability of our retreat . We encourage visitors with concerns to make bookings with travel insurance or booking.com for free cancellations .

Anfrage stellen

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