Farm Cottage – 2BR (Queen + 2 Singles)

Silverstream Alpaca Stud

4.5 stars

Silverstream Alpaca Stud

Farm Cottage – 2BR (Queen + 2 Singles)

The cottage has two bedrooms- one bedroom has a Queen bed and the other bedroom has two single beds and a rollaway can be supplied for a fifth person. A baby cot can be supplied if required. Also included in the cottages are a bathroom, lounge, modern kitchen and a carport. The kitchen has a hobbs, microwave, dishwasher, fridge and the normal crockery, cutlery and cooking utensils.
The cottage opens out onto a patio that overlooks the alpacas housed in the nearby paddocks. ENJOY A 30 MINUTE, GUIDED ALPACA FARM TOUR - opportunity to feed and touch the alpacas and hold a baby (in season). This is an absolute highlight for most people - the alpaca is such an amazing animal and they are so inquisitive and friendly. They are great with children.

  1. Skref 1 Veldu fjölda bungalows og tíma dvalar - notið reitina fyrir neðan til að athuga bókunarstöðu

    Athuga bókunarstöðu
    Val á Bungalow Fullt verð sun 08 sep 2024 mán 09 sep 2024 þri 10 sep 2024 mið 11 sep 2024 fim 12 sep 2024 fös 13 sep 2024 lau 14 sep 2024 sun 15 sep 2024 mán 16 sep 2024 þri 17 sep 2024 mið 18 sep 2024 fim 19 sep 2024 fös 20 sep 2024 lau 21 sep 2024
    Farm Cottage – 2BR (Queen + 2 Singles) 300 $ 350 350 350 Spyrja Spyrja Spyrja 350 Spyrja Spyrja Spyrja Spyrja Spyrja Spyrja Spyrja
    Renna skal örinni yfir verð til að sjá bókunarstöðu, lágmarksdvöl og skilyrði
  2. Skref 2 Veldu bungalow gesta og auka valmöguleika Prices are in NZD

    Bókunarstaða Dagsetning Innifalið daglega Verð á Bungalow Auka fullorðinn Auka barn Auka ungbarn Heildar -
    1. Bungalow 1:
    sun, 08 sep 350 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 350 $


    Bungalow Charges 350 $
    Samtals Aukavalmöguleika 0 $
    Heildar - 350 $
    GST 15% Included
    Athuga: Ungbörn eru ekki talin með í hámarksfjöldi herbergis
  1. Skref 3 Sláðu inn gesta- og greiðsluupplýsingar Vinsamlega fyllið inn nauðsynlegar upplýsingar

    1. Ef komutími er utan þess sem hægt er að velja, vinsamlega hafið samband

    2. Vinsamlega skilgreinið

    Sundurliðun greiðslu
      1. Visa
      2. Mastercard
      3. American Express
    1. t.d. 1234567890123456

    By selecting "Book Now" I authorise Silverstream Alpaca Stud to send instructions to the financial institution that issued my card to take payments from my card in accordance with the terms of my agreement with Silverstream Alpaca Stud.


Payment Policy

Guests may pay by cash, Visa or Mastercard upon arrival. We do not debit credit cards beforet arrival.

Cancellation Policy

A cancellation fee of up to 50% may be charged for cancellations within one week of arrival.

Senda fyrirspurn

  1. Spyrja
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